EBIC – Correlate topography, composition and structure with electrical activity


Correlate topography, composition and structure with electrical activity.

Correlate topography, composition and structure with electrical activity

  • Record simultaneous EBIC, SE, BSE and EDS signals.
  • Colour and mix signals for spatial correlation.
  • Distinguish between active and passive defects.

Enable TEM or atom probe microscopy sample preparation

  • Localise defects with sufficient resolution for TEM sample preparation.
  • Avoid alignment error by directly imaging defects with EBIC in FIB SEM.
  • Use live EBIC imaging to stop ion milling for sample preparation.

Verify device operation modes with built-in biasing and live overlay

  • Image junctions and fields in delayered operating devices.
  • Map electrical activity of solar cells under bias.
  • Compare imaged behaviour with device modelling.

Map junctions and defects with the highest possible resolution

  • Correlate structural defects with electrical activity.
  • Map active areas of junctions and electrical fields.
  • Validate doping profiles and areas.

Access third dimension with depth profiling

  • Manipulate depth of EBIC signal by changing kV in SEM.
  • Investigate EBIC images of cross-sections in FIB-SEM.
  • Export EBIC depth series for 3D reconstruction.