Complete electronics and software upgrades for all SEM types.

5 good reasons to restore your SEM
01 – Increased performance
- High-resolution image acquisition is required, beyond the ability of the original SEM electronics.
- Simultaneous acquisition is needed for SE, BSE, CL, STEM, however SEM is restricted to one signal per scan
- New auto functions, including Focus, Brightness and Contrast, Stage, Gun, Vacuum, etc.
02 – Network compatibility
- Network connectivity is required for shared storage but SEM PC is outdated and no longer compatible/allowed.
- SEM screen must be viewed/shared remotely, however SEM software does not allow video capture.
- New installation requires that the SEM must be operated remotely because of space or safety restrictions.
03 – New techniques
- High-quality image acquisition is needed for complex illumination and colour composition.
- New analysis requires new detectors, such as SE, BSE, EBIC, EBAC, RCI or EDS.
- New degrees of automation are needed for large area mapping, video acquisition or surface topography.
04 – High-value attachment or workflow
- Cost of relocating or reacquiring the analytical equipment is prohibitive compared with the cost of upgrading the SEM.
- Established/certified analytical workflows must be maintained beyond the OEM service.
- Operator training and support needs to be standardised for all SEM types.
05 – Acquisition and service costs
- Extending the lifetime of existing SEM is more cost effective than acquisition of a new microscope.
- SEM return is maximised after the upgrade, as downtime is minimised.
- SEM service cost is reduced after the upgrade.
MEB upgrades follow 3 steps

1st stage: the acquisition upgrade
- Microsoft Windows 10 or less, with network compatibility.
- Simultaneous signal acquisition for SE, BSE, EDS, WDS, etc.
- Optional PC and display(s) or laptop.

2nd stage: the controls upgrade
- New SEM control electronics and software.
- Complete electronics for the SEM column.
- Automatic vacuum, gun, stage, detector controls.
- New manual control panels and accessories.

3rd the techniques upgrade
- Atomic-number discrimination with BSE detectors.
- Topography measurements with shape-from-shadow.
- Micro-analysis with EDS detectors and mapping.
- Electrical failure analysis with EBIC and EBAC/RCI.
Upgrade path

Optional control panels for increased speed and productivity
- SEM panel with magnification, focus, image shift, brightness, contrast, stigmatism.
- Stage panel with trackball/joystick, XYZR locks and store/recall functions.
- USB2 controlled and fully integrated with the microscope controls software.
Optional stage controller for automatic positioning and rotation
- Integrated click-and-move, rotation and large area map acquisition.
- Configurable software limits for collision avoidance.
- USB2 controlled and fully integrated with the micro-scope controls software.

Optional SE, BSE and EDS detectors for new techniques/applications
- High performance SE detector electronics.
- Standard and low-kV BSE detector and electronics.
- Practical and affordable EDS for SEM and STEM.
Optional video processor for extended imaging channels
- Channel independent controls for brightness and contrast.
- Hardware mixed output for simultaneous acquisition with SE, CL or EDS.
- USB2 controlled and fully integrated with the acquisition software.

Optional IR chamberscope for added flexibility and safety
- In situ mount for optimum orientation and view angle.
- PC display or standalone monitor.
- USB2 controlled and fully integrated with the microscope controls software.
Optional microscope monitor for events logging and preventive maintenance
- Automatic acquisition and compression of microscope operation parameters.
- 16 x 16-bit analogue signal inputs, and software API for software parameters and events.
- Live and offline viewer with PDF export.