
The SATO traction/compression MET object holder was developed in collaboration with JST Japan (Japan Science and Technology Agency).
The SATO object holder allows dynamic compression/traction tests to be carried out In-Situ MET with a high tilt value in 1 nm steps. The tip tip detaches for easier workflow with SEM or FIB tools.

Tilt Value
- Alpha tilt range (α) = ±65° for MET FEI.
- Alpha tilt range (α) = ± 60° for MET JEOL equipped with an HR type pole piece.
- High stability for resolution at the atomic scale.
Compression or traction
- In steps of 1 nm or less (theoretical value at 0.6 nm).
- Minimum movement speed: 3 nm/s.
- Maximum movement speed: 10 µm/s.
- Displacement range: 200 µm.

Sample Cu-6Sn

SBS polymer sample
- Control software dedicated to controlling speed and travel range.
- Possibility of remote control by PC (32 or 64 bits).
Removable tip (cartridge) tip
- Removable interchangeable tip following user experimentation.
- Easy correlation for FIB, APT, SIMS and MEB workflows.
- Save time with the possibility of preparing several samples when the HATA object holder is used in TEM observation.
- Dedicated charging station for APT/FIB/MET workflow.

Secure sample loading
- Comes with a charging station providing a secure operational environment.
- Station with “Bridge” structure to allow loading under a stereo-microscope or binocular.
- Blocking/unblocking system by push button of the object holder at the end of the loading stage.
- Loading station with palm support to load a sample without shaking.