Discover the SECOM platform
The SECOM platform combines fluorescence and electron microscopy in one device, integrating functional and structural data with revolutionary ease and efficiency.
In the life sciences, the SECOM platform can be used for easily and quickly combining light and electron microscopy. In one device, the SECOM platform allows the user to obtain functional color information through fluorescence microscopy and structural information by using the scanning electron microscope. As the optical axes of both microscopes are very precisely aligned, the overlay of the fluorescent and electron images becomes as easy as drag-and-drop.

Key features.
Tissue biology and thin sections
The SECOM platform is an excellent tool for research on tissue biology and thin sections. High quality fluorescence imaging allows for precise localization of many different fluorescent labels, while the SEM delivers detailed structural information that far surpasses traditional optical histology results.
• Supports large samples and array tomography
• High resolution (5 nm or better)
• Multi-color source allows use of different labels
Cell biology
Current fluorescence microscopy methods make it possible to acquire detailed images of the intracellular distribution of fluorescent labels.
The SEM provides powerful visuals about cell membrane configuration and structure, integrating information about morphology and distribution.
• Detailed fluorescence information
• Easy sample navigation, guided by fluorescence
• Detailed structural information
Biomaterials science
Biomaterials science and biological engineering make innovative use of many imaging techniques developed in both life sciences and materials sciences. The SECOM platform offers new possibilities for characterization and analysis of bioengineered materials and tissues, and the combination of functional and structural information makes it ideally suited for investigating the interactions between tissues and foreign materials.
• Compatible with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector for investigating chemical composition
• Correlates fluorescence information to structural information of biomaterials
• High resolution for visualization of nano particles articles
What is the SECOM platform?
SECOM is a retrofit that equips a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an inverted fluorescence microscope.
The platform replaces the door to the vacuum chamber of the SEM. This replacement supports a motorized stage and the objective and light path for the optical microscope. The large SECOM stage can accommodate all the usual sample sizes for fluorescence microscopy. The platform is easily installed and removed.
An intuitive software package, designed to easily acquire both types of information, controls the SECOM stage and the most important settings for both the fluorescence and the electron microscope. Correlation between electron microscopy and optical microscopy data is unrivalled; the electron and light beam axes are aligned to within 0.2 μm and, through proprietary methodology, an overlay accuracy of 50 nm or better can be achieved. The integration of both microscopes in one device enables high-throughput correlative microscopy. In addition, the SECOM platform is fully compatible with the whole range of detector modalities available for SEMs.
The SECOM platform gives you ease of use, high productivity, and unparalleled correlation precision.
Make it your own
The above is just a selection of the possibilities.
The SECOM platform opens up new prospects in the field of imaging: it offers excellent image quality for both fluorescence and electron microscopy in one device. Since the sample is not transported between microscopes, contamination and probability of sample damage is reduced.
We are interested in hearing about all the innovative ways in which you could use the SECOM platform, and we are always available to discuss custom options.
How do I get one?
If you already own a SEM, we can quickly install your SECOM platform. If you do not yet have a SEM, we can advise you in the process of purchasing a SEM that fits well with the platform. The platform
is compatible with many different types of SEMs – please inquire for details.
Custom SECOM platform?
We can adapt the platform for custom optical excitation and detection paths, we can design and build custom sample holders, and we are committed to finding the best way to approach your customization ideas.
Sample Preparation for integrated Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (0 downloads )
Correlative, integrated light and electron microscopy of in-resin GFP fluorescence (0 downloads )
Integration of a high-NA light microscope in a scanning electron microscope (0 downloads )
Scanning electron microscopy of individual nanoparticle bio-markers in liquid (0 downloads )
Simultaneous correlative scanning electron and high-na fluorescence microscopy (0 downloads )